You remind me of things forgotten
You unwind me... til i'm totally undone
+with Your arms around me,
fear was no match for Your love.
i know You've won me.

"You have listened to fears, child. Come, let Me breathe on you. Forget them. Are you brave again?"
+C.S. Lewis

It's January 31. a day before the end of the first month of the year. it seems as though most people who chose their word for this year, had them picked out on the first or second. (maybe even last year.) 
So yes, while i am (a little) behind,  i feel as though it was in the best timing that my word was revealed to me. 


free from fear..

Personally, my fears have always had to do with not meeting expectations or living up to other people's standards. 
That being said, I think a more personal definition of fearless would be 'living carefree before God.'

trusting in the fact that He's always steady, always able, and just waiting for me to ask for His help. I've placed my identity in Him and, this year, I want to fully grasp that beautiful grace and abundant mercy.

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